My dear Stewart: I returned from a trip into the Tertiary deposits east of here, day before yesterday, and found your letter of the 11th awaiting me. The overdraft to which you refer must have occurred from some discrepancy in regard to the depositing of the funds required in the matter of shipping, and asked for by letter. Judging that this must be the case, I fear that the amount has been greater than was indicated by your letter. In my first requests for deposits, I beliver that I sent duplicate notification by letter or letter and telegraph. I am sorry that I did not do this each time, for, if a letter is delayed or miscarries, it leads to unplesant results. I notified you the last time as soon as I could roughly ascertain the probably amount needed and in time, if the letter was not delayed. The monthly statemtn for June, which I sent you in the early part of July, will show the time and amount of the deposits called for and the expenditures, of course for June. There probably was no mistake about the $1000 and $1500 deposits. As I read over a copy of my letter of June 10th, from Craig, Colorado, I see that I wrote as follows have been approximating bill still due and I judge now that unless something unforeseen takes place we can get along with an additional