$300 until July 1. This will include expensense in freighting our collecting expenses, Kay's salary for May etc. When I came to settle up I found that this would not could cover all indicated, but you wrote that you had deposited $300 at the end of the month and I naturally supposed that this was in addition to the $300 requested on the 10th. I am sorry that this has occured and in the future if I should be forced to make special calls I think it would be best to wire or send duplicate. This unusual burden, however is now over and I hope that the necessity will not occur again. Under the present conditions I will not dare to write any more checks until I hear from you and the matter is straight again. I wish to make some short trips and get a lot of interesting material which we have located, but I hope these will not be expensive, and I will take care of the financial part until later. I have discovered these and the Museum needs them. Tell Peterson that, as we predicted, we have discovered mammals in the Brown's Park beds. We have only a few specimens yet mostly small carnivores -- but it is almost certain that more can be found and these deposits which have been floating around in the atmosphere ever since their discovery, can finally find a resting place. In a former letter you asked that I look up the matter of tracks of cretaceous Dinosaurs in the rocks abot the Mesa Verde coal west of here. Though the time has not yet bee opportune to visit these mines I have kept the matter in mind and have made inquiries. A letter and photograph from a teacher in Salt Lake City made me skeptical about the things being Dinosaur tracks, but Mr. Gilmore's report and a recent letter from Prof. Peterson,