My dear Stewart: We are at home for a day or two. We went out to Powder Springs about 25 miles from here and collected formt he Tertiary deposits there. Expect to return tomorrow. To get the blocks of fish which I wrote you about we will have to do a little blasting of the rim rock and some excavating. While there I made one of my most gratifying discoveries in the form of those rarest of rare fossils, fossil birds. The bones are scattered over a layer of sandstone for at least 12 feet in one direction. As we lift the overlying layer in another direction we uncover new bones. Perhaps 40 to 50 bones have now been uncovered incluseing many that the stream had partly washed away. It seems that there must be more than one individual and it begins to look like a small quarry proposition. Will know more definitely in a few days and will then tell you more. The birds are in the Green River and were found in another place in the same stratum and in a layer about 12 feet highter. The Green River seems to be furnishing nearly everything but mammals and we are expecting to find them. Earl Douglass.