My dear Stewart: We are now in camp about 25 miles from home near the locality where we are getting the birds. It is wome job to get them into camp as we have to walk between two and three miles to our work and have to pack the specimens with horse and pack saddle to the nearest point where we can can get the car. We take up the bones in the slabs and there are something like 20 square feet of the rock. Birds bones are frail things and even in the laboratory it will probably be best to not entirely remove them from the rock. We have apparently worked around the area which contains the bones and we have the material nearly taken up. I have predicted the discovery of mamals in the Green River formation and now we have found bones and teeth of small mammals the wind River of Wyoming is upposed to be partly contemporaneous with the Green River but I do not know that any of the micromammalia have been found in those beds. The last I knew the fauna of these beds was very limited. Peterson will know the conditions at the present. We may get something better later. We will have to take a run back home about the first. As I told you I would not dare to write any more checks until I have learned for certain that our accounts agreed. However you have arranged to deposit $250 at the end of each month so I will count on that amount the last of this month. I probably will get a letter from the office to day. Sincerely Earl Douglass