My dear Dougalss I returned to the Museum yesterday after an absence of four weeks, and was glad to find your letters from August 9th to September 2nd which I have read with great interest. The box with specimens which you sent for Mr. Peterson has been delivered to him and I know he will be pleased to get these specimens. I congratulate you on the success which you seem to have had in the collecting during the summer. I have sent to the Treasurer a request to deposit $250 to the Field Account and this will be int he Oakland Savings and Trust Compnay tomorrow morning so that you can now go ahead and make up your account knowing that the same amount was deposited to your account about the first of August. As I have already written you I would like very much to have Mr. Kay come into Pittsburgh to spend the coming winter and we can use his services to great advantage if he can arrive here about October 1st. In case you need additional money for his travelling expenses let me know and I will deposit it to your credit, also inform me in ample time to secure some comfortable place for him to live in Pittsburgh. Mr. Coggeshall will attend to that matter as soon as I hear from you. In regard to the collections you have made I suppose that they had better be shipped in by freight and I know that we will have to pay freight charges on this shipment since it is too soon to gain ask free transportation form the railroad company. Under these circumstances it does nto make any difference as to the route you send them by. Send them the cheapest way. Let me knwo as sson as possible concerning your plans with the State of Utah. I have never has a reply to my letter to the gentlemen who requested the loan of your services so I know nothing furgher about the proposition. In my andwere to the Utah authorities I said of course that the simplest way would be to transfer you during the time you worked for them to their payroll grant you a leave of absence formt he Museum for that time. If this Utah proposition falls through what plans have you for the cold winter? With kindest regards to you and your family, I am Director, Carnegie Museum