Vernal, Utah, September 30, 1923. Douglas Stewart, Director, Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg, Pa. My dear Stewart:- I am in Vernal. Mr. Kay expects to start for Pittsburg next Tuesday -- Oct. 2. He is taking his family. I think he has written to you or to Mr. Coggeshall. I wrote you a few days ago -- in answer to your letter of recent date -- that you would better deposit $100.00 to apply on Mr. Kay's Expenses to Pittsburg. I have, to-day, drawn a check to him for this amount and for this purpose. I am depending on the usual $200.00 at the end of September and have given Mr. Kay his salary -- $125.00 -- for September. Am planning to start on another trip Tuesday OCT. 2. Expect to return to Jensen about the 12th. Sincerely, Earl Douglass