My dear Douglass: I was very glad to receive your letter and to hear of your continued success. In regard to your own expenses after the collecting season is over, please give me an estimate of what you think you will need so that we will have something to go upon. In regard to your salary, I am sorry to say the the Museum fianances have not improved this year, in fact we have less money than we had last year. You seem to be somewhat uncertain still about your work for the Utah University and under these circumstances I do not know whether you still desire to come East this winter or not. I am sure if you do come I can manage to pay your traveling expenses. Dr. Keeple, the new president of the Carnegie Corporation is at present in Pittsburgh. He only went into office on October 1st, and the fact that he arrrived here on October 2nd is encouraging to all of us. I have already had the opportunity of having a long talk with him and have placed before him as forcibly as possible the meagerness of the salaries paid in this institution. I am very hopeful that this situation will be improved in the future but I cannot say that I am hopeful that it will be this year. I realize as well as you do that the hard work and loyalty to the instituion of our employees is deserving of a better financial reward, but under the present circmustances I cannot pay out more money when I do not have it to pay. Director Carnegie Museum