Dear Douglass: I have deposited to the Field Account $250.00 as per your request but will not deposit any more money to that account unless I hear form you. In any event, it is not necessay, I am sure, to give you $250.00 a month during the winter. Please let me know if you have definitely made arrangements with the Sate of Utah and when you expect to start work for them. I do not quite agree with you that it would be well to pay you in full while you are working for Utah. It does not look well on our books to have a refund to the Salary account. If it can possibly be arranged, it would be much better for you to write or telegraph me when you start work for them and we will pay you up to that date. As soon as you have finished your work we will place you on our pay roll again. In this way we can treat the matter as a leave of absence without pay. I am disappointed that you have not sent me, long before this, the maps and all the records of the Dinosaru Quarry, We are in grate need of this in order to carry on the work in the laboratory in intellegent way. Also, I have not heard anything as tot he colelctions which you made this summer. Have you shipped them, if not, when do you expect to?