My dear Stewart: I am sending financial statement for October. I will send all back vouchers as soon as I can get those copied which are not in duplicate. We began getting out a skeleton for the state of Utah on the seventh of this month. The one which we are now working on, No. 240 was an excellent skeleton and the portion which the National Museum left is coming out in fine shape. It is only a matter of business to state that the wholly selfish, scientifically unethical and contemptuous attitude toward other exhibited by the latter, will cost the state many hundreds of dollars and will be of little benefit to themselves. It is certainly to be hoped that, after you kindness to them, that they will be more generous to our museum. We are gratified to find, however, that we have the dorsals of another skeleton apparently of Diplodocus which is running into the rock, and toward the neck. In fact there seems a bright prospect of getting a skeleton nearly complete. Starting in at the quarry new again has taken much of my time but I hope soon to get our summers collection boxed and ready to ship. As soon as I can get time I wish to write you and Dr. Jennings long and perhaps tiresom letters about our summer colelctions and what they suggest to my somewhat limited intellect. Earl Douglass