My dear Peterson: I have your letter of the 5th. I have not published any article on the Brown's Park formation. I have just been looking over my files of the Salt Lake Mining review, which were published last summer, and I find in the August 30 issue a notice which was taken fromt he Vernal Express. I will send you the copy and you can return it at your convenience as I keep a file of them. It probably will not interest you, but you can take it for what it is worth. We spent perhaps a total of eight or nine days in the Wasatch last summer in two principal localities. The first Mr. Kay can tell you about. The second in a locality Kay and I thought looked about the best we had seen east of Meeker is fossiliferous. It contains mammals and reptiles, but it will be proposition of several weeks to explore it thoroughly and get saitisfactory results. We found a number of small jaws and teeth including a horese undoubtedly Echippus. The specimens will be sent with the remainder of the collection as soon as I can get around to dend them. On account of having charge of the getting out of a Dinosaur for Utah the work of packing and shipping these specimens had been delayed. Then, too, I hoped to get time for another short, or brief, collecting trip where there is a wealth of material. I have heard a report of quite large bones on the Vermillion River a little above the crossing where we crossed in going to Brown's Park. It would be above where we examined what we though might be the Miocene. Mrs. Douglass is in vernal just now, but I know she would like to be remembered to you. Gawin is at the quarry. Earl Douglass