But it seems to me is of unusual interest is the fact that we have found where we can make collections, not only of the leaves of trees, but flowers and fruits. I think that we found between fifteen and twenty species fo flowers and pershps twice that number of fruits. Leaves are not the characteristic organs of plants but flowers are. It seems that now we can begin to know something of the development and relationship of our flowering plants. I know of no more tempting study in this line today or one that seems to me to be more interesting than biologically or geologically. We have been trying to figure out the developemnt of the mammals, dinosaurs etc, but we know little about the past history and pedigrees of our trees and other flowering plants. The suddetn appearance of our flowering plants after our big dinosaurs were buried int he Dakata formation had been called in many respects the most important and far reaching event that the world has known, and yet we know little about the flowers and fruits except of our own age. I am almost certian that a large collection of these could be made and I hope that someone will do it and will study them and make a big rift in the darkness of the past.