My dear Stewart: I have not heard from you or written you or written for some time. The University of Utah got out a nice lot of material but in trying to get a neck for the Diplodocus we uncovered dorsals of Brontosaurus, probably, with rids attached. They have decided to take this out. For some time Golden York has had immediate charge under my general supervision. I have been doing geological work for the A. E> Humphries Company in the basin. They have some great development work started here. If I continue with this gelogical work it will take me all parts of the basin and undoubtely lead to more thorough and detailed work then has been done. Collections of fossils should be made and species of the faunas and floras determined. New collecting fields ought to be discovered. The Museum and other museums could undoubtedly help the company and the company help to get collections, direct to collecting grounds etc. Of course this is yet somewhat in the air but the developments seem possible. Earl Douglass