Dear Mr. Douglass: I have just received your letter of April 28 and was very glad to hear from you. I had heard indirectly that you were doing gelogical work for the Humphries Company. In regard to our plans for the summer, it seems best to concentrate our efforts upon cleaning up the vast amount of material which had come in form the field and not send out an expedition or do any field work in the paleontology this season. Under these circumstances I am very glad to grant that your are able to earn more money than you would working for this Museum. Of course I do not desire that you sever your connection with the Museum and your place is always open to you when you have completed the work you are now engaged in. I would like to have a clearer understanding as to your ideas concerning work with the Company. At first glance this does not seem to me a very practical suggestion, but of course I am ready to be convinced when you can submit a working plan. It is all right for you to keep the balance on hand which you have, but you have not made any report to me on the Ford truck. Please see if you cannot sell this as it would be better for us to buy another one when we again start field work.