My dear Douglass: It is a long time since I have written to you. I have been working upon the monographic paper which is intended to embody all that we know in reference to the brute which we have named Apatosauruslouis, and which was the first fruits of your labors in the quarry where you are. As an introductory chapter I have in my mind the preparation and publication of an historical account of the opening and the continuation of the work in the quarry which is now known as the National Dinosaur Monument. I have at hand and filed in chronological order the many letter which you wrote to me in times past as the work progressed, and of course I have the maps, but I discover on searching that i have lost or else have mislaid quite a number of the photographs which I would like to use as illustrations in connection with the story. I am writing, therefore to you to ask you whether you will have the kindness to send me good proofs of the photographic record.