My dear Dr. Holland: I received your letter of recent date and was glad to her from you again. In regard to the pictures the Museum has a large series of the negatives my remembrance is 150 to 200 which were left as records and cover the ground as long as I continued to take pictures as records. Of course I have tken some all along but finally depended on the chart as the record. Mr. Peterson took care of my books he tells me and it may be that he thought that these were mine and packed them with the books. When taking pictures I almost always took more than one, and though I paid nearly all the expense myself I divided the negatives as mentioned above. I thought I might want to use some and I did not wish any trouble about copyrights etc. If you cannot find these let me know. I have a host of negatives which at one time were arranged but now they need redistributing and I hope to go over them soon. Earl Douglass