Dear Mr. Douglass: Your letter of March 5th has just been received. You have not answered all of my questions. In the first place it is highly necessary that you attend to the transfer of the title of the Ford truck from your name to that of Mr. LeRoy Kay. I do not see why you have to wait until you return to Vernal before doing this as I think it can be done just as well by mail. In regard to the tool, Mr. Peterson did have a letter from Dr. Case of Ann Arbor asking permission to us the tools. He wrote him that I did not know what tools were at the quarry and that I would consider the matter when I had heard from you. He has not permission to use anything, and I do not believe he has permission from the government for as you say they did not leave any tools there. It is highly improbable that we will need the heavier tools, but I did not wish anything disposed of until Mr. Kay arrives upon the ground at which time he can select what he wishes and will have a letter with him from me authorizing him to sell the balance. I have never has a statement from you as to whether the Gilmore party paid rent for the tools. They certainly never remitted any rent to me here at the Museum though the understanding was that they should pay us a fair rental. If you have received this rent I suppose it has been deposited to your credit in the field Account. In this connection I wish you would also send me your bank book