Dear Mr. Stewart: I have your letter of the 11th, also the copy. In regard to the Ford Truck, as I said, the papers are locked up and in Utah and I can see no way that I can transfer them to Mr. Kay without having them in my hands any more than I could transfer a deed to real estate without the deed. On account of cars being so liable to be lost or stolen one has to be as particular as to transfer as in the case of real estate. The transfer would have to be made by the City Marshal of Vernal. As I have not the papers here I am not sure whether the title is in the name of the Carnegie Museum, Earl Douglass, Agent, or in the name of Earl Douglass, Carnegie Museum Field Account. I think it is the latter as that is the way signed checks etc. You can send me an order directing me to turn over to Mr. Kay the Truck and all other porperty in my name as agent of the Carnegie Museum, but I have asked advice in the mattter and I see no way that the transfer could be made, and hold, without the papers. In fact any other transfer would be illegal and unsafe. If you can show me any other way I will be glad to do my part. Perhaps Mr. Kay will remember in whose name, or what name the papers were made out. In case you give me order as above I can write to Mr. Pope authorizing him to turn the truck over to Mr. Kay should he arrive in Vernal before I arrive there. When I go to Vernal, which will probably be before long I can attend to the legal transfer. The Gilmore part paid $25.00 for the rent of the tools as agreed and I am very sure it was credited on the Field Account. If not it was a mistake and it will be done as soon as I find there was an oversight. I think that if you look at the last or near the last financial statement you will see it. I will look up the matter as soon as I can from the Utah end. When I came here I expected to stay only a couple of months and of course I could not bring everything with me. I put the chart-records in a large roll and when I return I will ship them as you may direct or I will turn them over to Mr. Kay with the other things.