bone of huge reptiles Dionosaurs in the Rocky Mountain region and has made a special appropriation form his own pocket for the purpose of making expeditions in the west and recovering the skeletions of those monsters, and other interesting animals of the past, for the museum which he has founded. Men were sent in search of big game in the fossil fields of Wyoming and Colorado. The hunt in Wyoming was unusually successful. A place was found where a large part of a skeleton of Diplodocus one of the larger Dinosaurs was discovered. They found part of the tail, the vertebrae of the dorsal, back region, the ribs, part of the limb-bones, and the neck. They had high hopes of finding the skull, but, as is usually the case, they were disappointed in this. The next year the quarry was extended and part of a skeleton of another individual, with other unassociated bones, was unearthed.